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Our school is situated in an urban area and comprises 1200 students aged 6 to 15. There are currently 44 classes and 62
teachers (30 primary-school teachers and 32 teachers of single subjects). It is a state-financed institution and it offers general
education, according to the curriculum elaborated by the Ministry of Education. Over the years and based on our national and
international experience, we have built ourselves a feature consisting of cross-curricular teaching and learning as much as
possible, that includes CLIL and STEAM.This project is very important to our institution because it is a great opportunity to build
on the results of our previous Erasmus+ projects. We have chosen to take part in this application due to the fact that our staff
have acquired skills and knowledge that can be shared with other teachers across Europe. We consider that teaching our
students life skills, a domain that is not specifically stated in our curricula, would help them on the short and long term. People
responsible: -Mrs Alina Popov, teacher of English- the person who coordinated to the application for our two previous Erasmus+
projects. She took part in Comenius projects and activities organised by the Romanian Erasmus+ Agency. She organised
project activities, transnational meetings and teaching and learning activities. She has project manangement skills in fields such
as: dissemination, evaluation, risk assessment. -Mrs Catalina Holic, teacher of Geography and head of the Humanities
Department in our school, former headteacher. She is the coordinator of our current Erasmus+ project. She has taken part in
numerous transnational meetings and teaching and learning activities over the last five years. -Mrs Lacramioara Doncean,
teacher of Romanian, headteacher. She is a member of the management and implementation team of our current Erasmus+
project. She has taken part in some transnational meetings and teaching and learning activities over the last five years. -Mrs
Marinela Lesan, teacher of mathemathics, deputy headteacher. She is a member of the management and implementation team
of our current Erasmus + project -Mrs Simona Lungu, accountant. She has managed the financial part of our previous projects.
At the moment, we do not forsee the leaving of any of them, but, in case this happens, there are other persons in our school
who can replace them. Our school can contribute to the current project with its experience acquired during our previous
Erasmus+ projects: -2014-2016- EURopes in School Education- a project on cross-curricular teaching and learning. The aim of
this successful project was to identify opportunities for teaching cross-curricular lessons and to create a framework for planning
such types of lessons. -2017-2019- Environmental Education through STEAM- this project was based on the results of our
previous one and added the environmental element, which is another point of interest in our institution.

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