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Slovakia- 21.3-24.3.2023.

Bringing life skills into the classroom is a name and also the motto of the project our students are involved in. Our students had a chance to participate in many mobilities and also in the one that was carried out by our school. Together we visited the island of Madeira, Croatia, Romania and Poland. But this time, it was the first time for us to be in the role of a host.

We welcomed our friends and partners from different countries with bread and salt, which is a tradition in our country. We also prepared many activities, tasks and games that were all Interconnected by the topic of entrepreneurship. The preparation activities lasted several weeks, but the most important moment for us was when our friends and partners arrived, and we could work together again. We were also lucky to meet new friends and to get to know their culture and many talents.

The first day of our mobility was held on 21 March. Our guests were greeted by kind words of our principal and mayor of the village Melčice-Lieskové. Our students prepared traditional Slovak songs and they were dressed in traditional Slovak folk costumes.

A guided tour of our school followed later. We divided all the students and participants into several international study groups. They took part in team-building activities in the school gym. The afternoon was dedicated to sightseeing of our beautiful town, Trenčín. Our guests had a chance to visit some of the beautiful sights and to get to know the history of our town. The next day we had a chance to see some of the traditional crafts - glass production in the village of Valaská Belá. We observed how traditional products made of glass are produced and we learned what skills are necessary to successfully run a small business. Afterwards, we moved to the city of Bojnice. There, we visited beautiful castle which is worldwide known from many movies.

On Thursday and Friday, we had classroom-based activities. We tried to explain and clarify basic principles of entrepreneurship - in other words, how to run one´s own business. We introduced terms such as enterpreneurship, entrepreneur, pitch, market research, brand, business strategy profit, cost and many more.

From theory we moved to practical approach. The students simulated their own business. Starting from developing the pitch, branding, creating the product, promoting, selling and making profit. Each group of participants produced their own brand of soap, prepared marketing and selling strategies. Later they focused on promotion of their business. Last but not least, they were supposed to make the highest profit possible from selling the products to students from Slovak school. We also awarded the best business and the most creative design.

We are very proud that even in these times, students from all over the world managed to find a way of effective cooperation and maintained mutual dialogue. Not only we learned a lot about entrepreneurship, but we also reinforced international understanding and desire to cooperate. As a benefit, we practised our English as well!

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